A young lady, who is reportedly a POS operator around first gate Taraba state university loses her entire business money to a customer who disappeared mysteriously
The customer in question who is also a lady came in for a transaction, and requested for the withdrawal of the sum of 1000 naira only.
The POS operator then withdrew the requested money for her. On the course of discharging their transaction, there were sachets of pure water that was held by the said customer.
Immediately after the transaction was made, she then pretended as if the pure water was to fall on her hand. While going down to pick those pure water sachets, she mysteriously disappeared with the transacted 1000 naira, and the POS operator subsequently found out that the whole of her money meant for her POS business also disappeared too.
These pure water sachets below here were brought in and left by the said customer that mysteriously disappeared with the POS operator’s money