Policies and Standards

Publishing policies

The editorial policy of FrontlineNews is aptly streamlined with the organization’s house style. The platform focuses on political news which is the major content that takes up the forefront. However, this does not mean that the platform deviate from other categories of news. In tandem with the above, the platform also delves into entertainment stories, business/economy, education, health, Judiciary, the environment, fashion, and sports.
The contents published on the platform as outlined above are for the targeted audience who are the followers (those who like and follow the page). These audience are from Taraba, Nigeria as a whole, and even beyond. Considering the demography and geographical location of our targeted audience, the platform goes with the principle of timeliness and proximity to keep them abreast with the happenings around them with the intent of keeping the audience glued to the platform.

Actionable feedback policy

FrontlineNews platform receives feedback from the audience via its page inbox and responds to them accordingly. The platform enables public engagement via publications which are sometimes published with such aim. The public viz-a-viz do same also through the comment sections under posts. There are reactions, comments and opinions or suggestions from the audience that ignites such engagements and the platform does well in responding to them timely and professionally. Be it the inbox, or comment sections under publications, the platform initiates engagements where the audience follow suit and drop their feedback respectively. The platform is there for the audience, hence, they are our priority.
FrontlineNews also ensures and prioritize transparency by providing indicators of objectivity in two areas; our news selection and framing, and also by providing indicators of evidence in four areas such as; presence of source materials, anonymous sourcing, verification, and corrections. Our transparency is further prioritize where the platform has built, and will continue building a trustworthy news platform, such as designing for easy comprehension, presenting appropriate details in news articles, giving accurate reporting, highlighting diverging practices, balancing our reports, and doing so objectively.

Corrections Policy

Making an error in journalism is unfortunate, but it happens. For a news outlet like ours, when an error has occurred, the immediate concern will then be how to handle the correction. This is done in the following ways;
Republish the content after making the factual correction. This eliminates the cognitive dissonance of the audience reading the content.
Apologize for the earlier content which is erroneous in nature, then credit the person who spotted the error if he is from the audience
Changing the tone of the story which also comes handy in our publications. Making it humorous for instance may keep the audience amused and further attack is ameliorated
When the error seems severe and not redeemable, the content is deleted. This eliminates doubts on the platform’s integrity and factuality.
What is incorrect is made clear and the true information is illuminated.

Ethics policy

Our policies, whether personal, corporate or organizational are embedded in our reporting styles, which has to do with the general house style of our media organization.
On a personal aspect of our policies, it has to do with good attitude towards work and the work environment. This includes coming to work on time, reporting news contents timely and objectively, without bias, quick response to the audience and the right attitude towards feedback that are either positive or negative.
The corporate ethics and standards of our outlet involves the decency and acceptability, and professionalism in line with the platform’s logo. The platform must uphold its name where it has to give the public timely and satisfying content, avoid sycophancy, watchdog the society aptly and satisfy the public with human interest stories, and report the ills in the society.
The organizational ethics which is also enshrined in the house style includes; the maintenance of the organization’s integrity by not sabotaging any political party or individual, detaching from any story emotionally, socially, or otherwise. Also, this has to do with the avoidance of brown envelop syndrome, unbalanced reporting, good funding, organized staffing, and good staff wages and satisfaction initiatives.

Diversity policy

We at FronlineNews believe that diversity in our editorial content is key in building and maintaining a strong and credible news platform. With this in mind, in our editorial content, we give equal consideration without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status.
We as well welcome the unique contributions that everyone can bring in terms of their education, opinions, culture, ethnicity, race, sex, gender identity and expression, the nation of origin, age, languages spoken, veteran status, color, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and beliefs. We showcase the principle of fairness in our editorial contents, moving away from any form of bias, sycophancy, and unbalanced coverage. Our editorial content is void of ethnic and religious discrimination, sectionalism, thereby embracing objectivity in all spheres.
Diversity staffing report
The diversity in the staffing, hiring and employment at FrontlineNews is top-notch. This starts with our bold policy of creating a culture that encourages diversity. Our Changing, recruiting and hiring practices help reach candidates from different population segments in the state and even beyond. FrontlineNews makes sure all its employees feel welcomed and accepted and this has brought about retention over the years.
At FronlineNews, we have a truly diverse workforce, we consider more than just a person’s appearance. While employing, we don’t put into consideration the applicant’s race, gender, age, religion, philosophy, and sexual orientation. Once a particular ethnic group, tribe, or geographical location dominate the employment, we strive to strike a balance by making sure same opportunity goes round, and this also happens to the wages of the employees respectively